Bundle; WEIRD & WONDERFUL; Free shipping with every purchase over $100. WEIRD & WONDERFUL. Share: For the chocolate lover who has tried it all! This gift box features four unique bars with flavours guaranteed to surprise. Lakkris (liquorice) + Sea Salt pairs Iceland’s favourite snack with creamy white chocolate. Weird Lake, a lake in Minnesota, U.S. People 'Weird Al' Yankovic (born 1959), American musician and parodist; Art, entertainment, and media Literature. Weird US, a series of travel guides; The Weird, a 2012 anthology of weird fiction; Weird fiction, speculative literature written in the late 19th and early 20th century; Music 'Weird' (Hanson. Weird definition, involving or suggesting the supernatural; unearthly or uncanny: a weird sound;weird lights.
Also found in: Thesaurus, Acronyms, Idioms, Wikipedia.
involving or suggesting the supernatural: a weird glowing object in the sky; fantastic; bizarre: That’s a weird costume you are wearing. Not to be confused with:
wired – equipped with wires; made of wire; consisting of or made of wires: a wired barrier; connected electronically to computer networks; a feeling of excitement or anticipation; edgy: You’re certainly wired today.
1. Strikingly odd or unusual, especially in an unsettling way; strange: He lives in a weird old house on a dark street. Your neighbor is said to be a little weird. I felt a little weird after drinking that tea.
2. Suggestive of the supernatural: weird stories about ghosts.
2. One's assigned lot or fortune, especially when evil.
tr. & intr.v.weird·ed, weird·ing, weirds
Slang To experience or cause to experience an odd, unusual, and sometimes uneasy sensation. Often used with out.
[Middle English werd, wird, fate (often in the pl. wirdes, the Fates), from Old English wyrd; see wer- in Indo-European roots.]
weird′ness n.
Synonyms: weird, eerie, uncanny, unearthly These adjectives refer to what is of a mysteriously strange, usually frightening nature. Weird may suggest the operation of supernatural influences, or merely the odd or unusual: 'Nameless voices—weird sounds that awake in a Southern forest at twilight's approach,—were crying a sinister welcome to the settling gloom' (Kate Chopin).'The platypus ... seemed so weird when first discovered that a specimen sent to a museum was thought to be a hoax: bits of mammal and bits of bird stitched together' (Richard Dawkins). Something eerie inspires fear or uneasiness and implies a sinister influence: 'His white countenance was rendered eerie by the redness of the sagging lids below his eyes' (John Updike). Uncanny refers to what is impossible to explain or accept: 'My mother had an uncanny ability to see right through to my motives. At the time I wondered if she had ESP' (Porter Shreve). Something unearthly seems so strange and unnatural as to come from or belong to another world: 'The joy of having escaped death made the unearthly ruins of Hamburg seem more like a smoldering paradise than the purgatory other people thought our once lovely city had become' (Marione Ingram).
1. involving or suggesting the supernatural; unearthly or uncanny: a weird sound.
2. strange; unusual; peculiar: a weird costume.
3. Archaic. concerned with or controlling fate or destiny.
n. Chiefly Scot.
[before 900; (n.) Middle English (northern form of wird), Old English wyrd; akin to worth2; (adj.) Middle English, orig. attributive n. in phrase werde sisters the Fates (popularized as appellation of the witches in Macbeth)]
syn: weird, eerie, uncanny refer to that which is mysterious and apparently outside natural law. weird suggests the intervention of supernatural influences in human affairs: weird doings in the haunted house; a weird coincidence.eerie refers to something ghostly that makes one's flesh creep: eerie moans from a deserted house.uncanny refers to an extraordinary or remarkable thing that seems to defy the laws established by experience: an uncanny ability to recall numbers.
Weird - fate personified; any one of the three Weird Sisters
Anglo-Saxon deity - (Anglo-Saxon mythology) a deity worshipped by the Anglo-Saxons
weird - suggesting the operation of supernatural influences; 'an eldritch screech'; 'the three weird sisters'; 'stumps...had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures'- John Galsworthy; 'an unearthly light'; 'he could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din'- Henry Kingsley
supernatural - not existing in nature or subject to explanation according to natural laws; not physical or material; 'supernatural forces and occurrences and beings'
weird - strikingly odd or unusual; 'some trick of the moonlight; some weird effect of shadow'- Bram Stoker
strange, unusual - being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird; 'a strange exaltation that was indefinable'; 'a strange fantastical mind'; 'what a strange sense of humor she has'
[wɪəd]ADJ (weirder (compar) (weirdest (superl))) → raro, extraño the weird thing is that → lo raroes que ... all sorts of weird and wonderful things → todo tipo de cosasextraordinarias
[ˈwɪərd]adj [person, appearance] → bizarre; [experience, coincidence, feeling] → bizarre It felt weird going back to Liverpool → Cela faisaitbizarre de revenir à Liverpool.
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+Barter.vg added iBomber Defense to Weird And Wonderful Bundle
+Barter.vg added Chernobyl Commando to Weird And Wonderful Bundle
+Barter.vg added Blackbay Asylum to Weird And Wonderful Bundle
+Barter.vg added Ohr to Weird And Wonderful Bundle
+Barter.vg added Truffle Saga to Weird And Wonderful Bundle
+Barter.vg added Nux to Weird And Wonderful Bundle
+Barter.vg added RunGunJumpGun to Weird And Wonderful Bundle
+Barter.vg added N.P.P.D. RUSH - The milk of Ultra violet to Weird And Wonderful Bundle
+Barter.vg added Platypus to Weird And Wonderful Bundle
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